Danang Spa: Herbal Spa Massage in Danang
201 Duong Dinh Nghe, An Hai Bac, Son Tra, Da Nang 550000
139 Phan Chu Trinh, Minh An, Hoi An, Quang Nam 51306
  • Danang Spa: Herbal Spa Massage in Danang
  • Danang Spa: Herbal Spa Massage in Danang
  • Danang Spa: Herbal Spa Massage in Danang
  • Danang Spa: Herbal Spa Massage in Danang
  • Danang Spa: Herbal Spa Massage in Danang
Spa & Massage Danang | Herbal Spa

Body Massage

Body Massage: Your Gateway to Deep Relaxation and Rejuvenation


Body massage is one of the most effective methods for caring for the body. There is nothing better than being massaged by a professional spa therapist. Whether you are suffering from muscle pain, or chronic tension, or simply want to pamper yourself on a trip to Da Nang, you can't go wrong with choosing a body massage.


But where is the best place for a full body massage in Da Nang and what can you expect when experiencing a full body massage therapy in Da Nang? In this comprehensive guide, Herbal Spa will provide you with everything you need to know about full body massage: the best massage in Da Nang, what it includes, how to prepare, and what to expect during the treatment. Let's explore together!



I. About Body Massage in Da Nang


Body massage is a form of massage therapy that involves massaging almost the entire body. Professional massage techniques used in full-body massage can help reduce muscle pain, promote relaxation, and alleviate tension.


A full body massage typically includes the back, legs, arms, head, shoulders, and feet. Some service providers may also offer buttock massage as part of full body therapy, but it's advisable to discuss this option with the therapist beforehand.


Herbal Spa is one of the best full-body massage destinations in Da Nang. This has been proven by thousands of customers and quality reviews for “TOP 1 Da Nang Spa” on Google, TripAdvisor, Klook, and more. There are many different types of massages available in Da Nang, from traditional Vietnamese massage, Shiatsu massage, and Thai massage to Four-hand massage to Six-hand massage.


Body Massage is the best relaxing choice for your trip to Da Nang

Body Massage is the best relaxing choice for your trip to Da Nang


II. Benefits of Getting Body Massage at Herbal Spa


As a top-rated spa for body massage in Da Nang on TripAdvisor, Google, and Klook, you are guaranteed an exceptional relaxation experience at Herbal Spa. From the moment you step into our spa, you will receive comprehensive care. With a team of staff and receptionists proficient in English and Korean, you will not encounter any obstacles in the process of consultation, communication, or expressing your needs and desires for a perfect body massage.


Moreover, to provide you with the best relaxation experience for a body massage, Herbal Spa pays great attention to selecting fragrances, music, and even the spa's layout to create the most comfortable beginning for you.


Most importantly, a body massage at Herbal Spa can bring you numerous health and wellness benefits.


1. Body Massage Helps Reduce Stress


One of the most common reasons people book full-body massages is to reduce stress and anxiety. The combination of gentle massage movements and deeply relaxing music can help you unwind, alleviate physical tension, and improve mental well-being.


2. Muscle Injury Recovery Through Body Massage


There's a reason why football players and other athletes often receive massages after matches: muscle manipulation can help reduce the risk of injury, relieve tension, and enhance muscle recovery. If you're passionate about running, hitting the gym, or regularly engaging in sports, regular full-body massages can help you maintain top performance year-round.


3. Improving Sleep


Chronic sleep deprivation can have serious implications for both your physical and mental health, but regular full-body massages can help. By relaxing the mind and reducing physical tension associated with stress, you'll be in a better state to achieve restful sleep. At Herbal Spa, we even offer a "30-minute Recharge" service for those struggling with prolonged stress-induced sleeplessness.


Body Massage can improve sleep

Body Massage can improve sleep


4. Better Blood Circulation


Massages boost cell oxygen levels through improved blood flow, leading to better circulation and increased flexibility post-treatment. Enhanced circulation positively impacts your overall health; you'll notice improved concentration and even brighter skin.


5. Managing Fibromyalgia Pain


Individuals with fibromyalgia endure chronic pain and accompanying symptoms affecting sleep, memory, and mood. While massage therapy isn't a cure for this condition, numerous studies have indicated it as a supplementary treatment method (alongside medication, counseling, and physical therapy).


6. Reducing Tension Headache


Tension headaches or stress-related headaches can make you feel like there's a tight band around your head. While the exact causes are not fully understood, there is evidence to suggest that massage can help alleviate this type of headache. Specifically, it helps to reduce tension in the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders (which may alleviate your headache symptoms).


Full Body Massage helps reduce tension headache

Full Body Massage helps reduce tension headache


7. Alleviating Back Pain


Although back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek out massage therapy, many are unaware of its therapeutic effects. A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine revealed that massage therapy is more effective in reducing back pain than other treatments such as acupuncture and spinal adjustment. It even led to a 36% reduction in the use of pain medication.


8. Body Massage Can Improve Circulation


The long-term benefits of massage therapy should not be underestimated. Improved circulation is part of the snowball effect that occurs in the body with consistent, regular massage treatment. This is because proper circulation provides damaged, tight, and tense muscles with the abundant blood supply they need to promote the healing process.


Furthermore, massage also promotes improved circulation through the pressure applied by the hands, helping blood move through damaged and congested areas in the body. In return, releasing this similar pressure will allow fresh blood to flow into the tissues.


Additionally, the squeezing, twisting, and pulling actions of massage techniques also help remove lactic acid from muscle tissues. As a result, this action helps improve the circulation of lymphatic fluid, carrying metabolic waste products away from internal organs and muscles. Consequently, this leads to lower blood pressure and an overall improvement in bodily functions.


9. Improving Posture


Many people suffer from back, neck, and muscle pain due to various reasons. However, the primary cause of this discomfort is often attributed to poor posture. Chronic back pain is the leading cause of missed work and the second most common reason for disability, usually stemming from improper standing and/or sitting postures.


Additionally, being overweight, incorrect posture, and repetitive or excessive movements may contribute to tension in the back and other underlying problem areas. Consequently, heightened tension often results in tightness, pain, and muscle strain in the hips, buttocks, back, neck, and legs.


Massage therapy can aid the body in achieving proper balance. Improving one's posture can be one of the most beneficial and relaxing aspects of massage therapy. Massage allows the body to relax and release tense and painful muscles caused by poor posture.


Consequently, this enables the body to naturally realign itself in a pain-free and aligned position. As part of a consistent massage therapy regimen, the muscles are loosened and relaxed, joints become freer and more flexible, and the range of motion increases, while pressure points are alleviated. As a result, the body can naturally realign itself into a healthier and harmonious posture. In summary, massage therapy assists in adjusting postures and promoting the development of movement over time as a response to pain.


Body massage can help improve posture

Body massage can help improve posture



10. Body Massage Can Strengthen Immune System


Regular massage offers numerous benefits for the human body. Individuals experiencing high levels of stress are more susceptible to illness and injury. When stress, coupled with sleep disturbances and poor nutrition, directly impacts the body's immune system, the body's natural ability to defend itself against infections, germs, and bacteria decreases significantly. 


Some may wonder how beneficial massage therapy is for the immune system. Studies have indicated that regular massage sessions not only help reduce stress but also can enhance the immune system's cytotoxic capacity (the activity level of the body's natural "killer cells") and improve the body's ability to deliver nutrients.


Furthermore, massage therapy can be an excellent complement to any exercise regimen. Just as regular exercise can keep the body healthy, regular massage therapy can help maintain a robust and flexible immune system. 


III. Best Choice Services at Herbal Spa


Beyond the aforementioned body massage treatments, Da Nang also offers specialized and unique body massage methods such as four-hand and six-hand full body massages. Herbal Spa is among the exclusive establishments providing these professional massage modalities in Da Nang.



1. Four-hand Massage: Unique Body Massage In Da Nang


A four-hand massage, also known as a synchronized massage, is a therapeutic massage technique performed by two trained massage therapists working simultaneously. This type of massage provides a deeply relaxing and immersive experience through the synchrony and coordination of the therapists' movements.


During a four-hand massage, the therapists work in tandem, using a combination of massage techniques such as long, flowing strokes, kneading, and circular movements to cover the entire body. The synchronized motions create a sense of harmony and balance, offering a unique and indulgent massage experience.


The presence of two therapists provides the recipient with a heightened sensory experience as the coordinated movements create a sense of enveloping and continuous touch. The duality of touch can also enhance the relaxation response, helping to release muscle tension and promote deep relaxation.


Four-hand massage sessions are popular for individuals seeking a luxurious and immersive spa experience or those who are looking to deepen their relaxation and enhance their well-being through the power of touch. The experience is often described as deeply calming and rejuvenating, offering a sense of complete relaxation and stress relief.


It's important to note that four-hand massages are often offered in upscale spas and wellness centers, and the treatment may require a higher level of expertise and coordination between the therapists. Additionally, communication between the recipient and the therapist is essential to ensure that the treatment meets the individual's preferences and needs.  


Four-hand Massage: Unique Body Massage In Da Nang

Four-hand Massage: Unique Body Massage In Da Nang


Herbal Spa Price Menu


2. Six-hand Massage - Triple The Relaxation


A six-hand massage is a remarkable and exclusive massage therapy experience that involves three trained massage therapists working in unison to provide a deeply immersive and indulgent treatment. This type of massage creates an intense and enveloping sensation as the synchronized movements of three therapists create a feeling of total body engagement and relaxation.


During a six-hand massage, the therapists coordinate their movements to cover the entire body, working with various massage techniques such as long, flowing strokes, kneading, and circular motions. The simultaneous touch from three therapists generates a unique and harmonious experience, offering a sense of complete relaxation and sensory indulgence.


The presence of three therapists allows for an extraordinary level of touch and envelopment, creating a deeply calming and immersive experience. The coordination of the movements can promote a heightened state of relaxation, release muscle tension, and provide a profound sense of overall well-being.


Given the complexity and coordination required for a six-hand massage, it is often offered as a specialized and exclusive treatment in upscale spas and wellness centers. The therapy offers a deeply luxurious and indulgent experience for those seeking an extraordinary level of relaxation and pampering.


As with any massage, communication between the recipient and the therapist is essential to ensure that the treatment aligns with individual preferences and needs. Furthermore, the expertise and coordination among the therapists are crucial for delivering a safe, effective, and unparalleled six-hand massage experience.


Six-hand Massage - Triple The Relaxation

Six-hand Massage - Triple The Relaxation


Herbal Spa Price Menu


3.  Herbal Signature Massage


The Herbal Signature Massage is a unique and specialized massage offered at Herbal Spa. This signature massage typically encompasses a combination of techniques tailored to the spa's specific approach and philosophy. While the exact details may vary by spa, a Herbal Signature Massage often incorporates elements of traditional massage methods such as Swedish, deep tissue, and aromatherapy massage, among others.


The Herbal Signature Massage is designed to provide a personalized and luxurious experience, aiming to promote relaxation, alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and enhance overall well-being. It may also involve the use of specially curated herbal oils, balms, or lotions, adding an aromatic and therapeutic dimension to the massage.


Typically, this signature massage is performed by highly skilled and experienced therapists who are trained in the spa's unique approach, ensuring that each client receives a customized and indulgent treatment tailored to their specific needs and preferences.


Ultimately, the Herbal Signature Massage seeks to offer a holistic and rejuvenating experience, incorporating elements of both physical and emotional wellness, and providing a tranquil escape from everyday stress.


Herbal Signature Massage

Herbal Signature Massage


Herbal Spa Price Menu


>>> See More: 11 Best Spas in Danang Must-Visit for Tourists


IV. Different Types Of Body Massage At Herbal Spa Da Nang


Here's a deeper dive into the different types of body massage you can find in Da Nang, complete with visuals:


1. Traditional Vietnamese Massage: A Journey Through Ancient Healing Practices


Immerse yourself in the rich heritage of Vietnam with a traditional Vietnamese massage, also known as Tam Quat. This unique therapy, practiced for centuries, transcends a simple body treatment, offering a journey of restoration, well-being, and cultural immersion.


Traditional Vietnamese massage, also known as "Tam Quat," is a practice deeply rooted in Vietnamese culture and traditional medicine. This massage style often incorporates a combination of techniques, including deep tissue manipulation, acupressure, and assisted yoga postures.


During a traditional Vietnamese massage, the therapist utilizes various hand techniques and manipulation to target pressure points and release tension in the body. The massage typically focuses on improving the flow of energy throughout the body, promoting circulation, and relieving muscle pain and tension.


In addition to hands-on techniques, traditional Vietnamese massage often incorporates the use of natural oils and herbal compresses to enhance the therapeutic effects of the treatment.


Overall, traditional Vietnamese massage is aimed at restoring balance and harmony within the body, making it a holistic and rejuvenating experience deeply connected to Vietnamese cultural and healing traditions.


Cupping therapy in Traditional Vietnamese Massage at Herbal Spa

Cupping therapy in Traditional Vietnamese Massage at Herbal Spa


2. Shiatsu Massage: a body massage method from Japan


Shiatsu massage is a traditional Japanese form of bodywork that is deeply rooted in the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. The word "shiatsu" translates to "finger pressure" in Japanese, reflecting one of the key techniques used in this massage style.


During a Shiatsu massage, the practitioner applies rhythmic pressure to specific points on the body using their fingers, thumbs, palms, and sometimes even elbows and knees. These pressure points, known as "tsubos," are believed to correspond to the body's energy channels or meridians, similar to those used in acupuncture.


In addition to direct pressure, Shiatsu massage also involves stretching and joint manipulation to help release tension and improve the flow of vital energy, or "qi," throughout the body.


Shiatsu massage is often performed on a mat on the floor, and the recipient remains fully clothed. This form of massage aims to promote relaxation, reduce stress, alleviate muscle tension, and restore balance to the body's energy pathways.


Overall, Shiatsu massage is known for its holistic approach to well-being and its ability to address both physical and energetic aspects of health.


Shiatsu Massage is a long-standing full-body massage method originating from Japan

Shiatsu Massage is a long-standing full-body massage method originating from Japan


3. Thai Massage


Thai massage, also known as "Thai yoga massage" or "Nuad Bo Rarn" in Thai, is a traditional healing practice that originated in Thailand. It is often described as a combination of acupressure, yoga, and Ayurveda.


During a Thai massage, the recipient remains fully clothed and lies on a comfortable mat on the floor. The practitioner uses their hands, thumbs, elbows, knees, and feet to apply rhythmic pressure to specific points on the body and to perform a series of gentle stretching and yoga-like movements.


The massage is designed to stimulate and balance the body's energy pathways, known as "sen lines" in Thai medicine, which are similar to the meridians in Chinese medicine.


Thai massage aims to improve flexibility, relieve muscle tension, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being. It is also believed to facilitate the flow of vital energy throughout the body, helping to restore balance and harmony.


In addition to the physical benefits, Thai massage is known for its ability to create a deep sense of relaxation and mindfulness, making it a holistic and rejuvenating experience for both the body and the mind.


Thai massage is a body massage therapy near yoga

Thai massage is a body massage therapy near yoga



4. Body Massage With Hot Stone


Hot stone massage is a therapeutic massage technique that involves the use of smooth, heated stones placed on the body to warm and relax muscles. The heat from the stones helps to improve blood flow and allows the massage therapist to apply deeper pressure to areas of tension without causing discomfort.


During a hot stone massage, the therapist may also use the heated stones as an extension of their own hands or place them on specific points along the body's meridians to promote relaxation and release muscle tension.


The combination of heat and massage provides a deeply soothing and relaxing experience, making it ideal for individuals seeking relief from muscle tension, stress, and anxiety. Hot stone massage is known for its ability to promote deep relaxation, improve circulation, and alleviate muscle stiffness.


It's important to note that hot stone massage should only be performed by a trained and experienced massage therapist to ensure safe and effective treatment.


Hot stone massage at Herbal Spa is also integrated into many other body massage

Hot stone massage at Herbal Spa is also integrated into many other body massage


5. Bamboo Massage


Bamboo massage, also known as bamboo fusion massage, is a form of bodywork that incorporates the use of heated bamboo sticks of varying lengths and diameters to provide deep tissue massage. This type of massage combines the benefits of deep tissue massage with the soothing and penetrating heat of bamboo.


During a bamboo massage, the therapist uses bamboo sticks to apply pressure, knead, and roll along the muscles and tissues, providing a deep, invigorating massage experience. The bamboo sticks can be used to target specific areas of tension, allowing for effective muscle release and relaxation.


The use of bamboo in massage offers several benefits, including increased circulation, relief from muscle tension and pain, and a sense of deep relaxation. The heat from the bamboo sticks can help to soothe sore muscles and improve overall well-being.


Bamboo massage is suitable for individuals seeking a therapeutic and rejuvenating massage experience, and it is often favored by those who enjoy deep tissue work and the added element of warmth during the massage. As with any form of massage, it's essential to have the treatment performed by a skilled and trained massage therapist to ensure a safe and effective experience.


Bamboo Massage at Herbal Spa

Bamboo Massage at Herbal Spa


6. Candle Massage


Candle massage, also known as a hot oil massage or a warm oil massage, is a treatment that involves the use of melted candle wax or specially formulated massage candles. These candles are made from a combination of natural waxes, oils, and aromatics that have a low melting point, allowing them to be used for massage when melted.


During a candle massage, the therapist lights the candle to melt the wax, creating a pool of warm, aromatic oil. The melted oil is then poured directly onto the skin and used as a lubricant for the massage. The therapist uses the warm oil to perform various massage techniques, providing a deeply soothing and hydrating experience.


The combination of massage and warm, aromatic oil offers several benefits, including relaxation, nourishment for the skin, and relief from muscle tension. The gentle warmth from the oil can help to soothe sore muscles and create a deeply relaxing experience.


Candle massage is often favored for its luxurious and pampering qualities, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking a sensory and indulgent massage experience. It's important to ensure that the candles used for the massage are specifically designed for this purpose and that the treatment is performed by a trained and experienced massage therapist to ensure safety and effectiveness.


Candle Massage at Herbal Spa

Candle Massage at Herbal Spa


7. Aromatherapy Massage - Body Massage Method With Essential Oils


Aromatherapy massage is a holistic therapy that combines the benefits of massage with the use of essential oils derived from plants. During an aromatherapy massage, the massage therapist incorporates the use of essential oils into the massage oil or lotion applied to the skin. The essential oils are chosen based on their specific therapeutic properties and the individual's needs.


As the massage therapist performs the massage, the aromatic molecules from the essential oils are inhaled and absorbed through the skin, allowing for their therapeutic effects to take place. The combination of massage and essential oils creates a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience.


The choice of essential oils is tailored to the individual's needs, with different oils offering various benefits such as relaxation, stress relief, pain relief, or an energy boost. The aromas from the essential oils can also have a significant impact on the individual's mood and emotions.


Aromatherapy massage is known for its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and alleviate aches and pains. It is often favored for its holistic approach to well-being, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of health.


It's important to note that essential oils should be used with care, and individuals with certain medical conditions or sensitivities should consult with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare professional before undergoing an aromatherapy massage. When performed by a trained and experienced massage therapist, aromatherapy massage can offer a luxurious and therapeutic experience.


Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage: body Massage method with essential oils


8. Reflexology


Reflexology is a holistic healing practice based on the principle that specific areas on the feet, hands, and ears, known as reflex points, correspond to specific organs, glands, and other parts of the body. The application of pressure and massage to these reflex points is believed to have a positive effect on the corresponding areas of the body, promoting overall health and well-being.


During a reflexology session, a trained reflexologist applies precise pressure techniques with their hands, thumbs, and fingers to stimulate the reflex points, encouraging the body's natural healing processes. The pressure is applied systematically, helping to release tension, improve circulation, and promote relaxation.


Reflexology is often used to alleviate stress, and tension, and to support the body's natural ability to heal itself. It is also believed to help balance the body's energy pathways, or qi, similar to the principles of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.


Practitioners of reflexology aim to create a deeply relaxing and therapeutic experience, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking holistic healing and relaxation. Reflexology can be a standalone treatment or can be incorporated into a comprehensive wellness program.


It's important to note that reflexology should be performed by a qualified reflexologist to ensure the safe and effective application of techniques. As with any holistic practice, individuals with specific medical conditions or concerns should consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing reflexology.  


V. What to expect from a full body massage in Da Nang?


What to expect from a body massage session in Da Nang. Here are Herbal Spa's insights into what might occur before, during, and after your body massage therapy.



1. Before your body massage


At Herbal Spa, Before your massage at Herbal Spa in Da Nang, you can expect a warm welcome and a consultation with experienced therapists. During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss any specific areas of tension or discomfort you'd like to focus on during the massage. The therapists will tailor the massage to your preferences and needs, ensuring a personalized and effective experience.


2. During your body massage


During the massage process, the massage therapist typically begins by cleansing the soles of your feet and applying warm herbal pouches to them. This helps to keep your body warm during the extended massage session. Next, the therapist will proceed to massage and knead your back and shoulders; for this, you'll need to lie comfortably on your stomach. Subsequently, the therapist will massage your legs and feet before moving on to massage your arms.


Following this, you will transition to lying on your back, and the therapist will perform a head massage. (Your massage session will be divided into two segments, with half the time spent lying on your stomach and the other half lying on your back.)


It's important to remember that massage is an intimate procedure, so mutual trust and confidence are essential, as well as respect for general etiquette during the treatment. Your therapist will always ensure that you feel comfortable during the massage, and similarly, clients must always respect their therapist's boundaries. This means refraining from any inappropriate behavior or comments during the treatment.


Additionally, pay attention to any noises – even if the massage feels amazing, it's best to keep all sounds at a minimum!


Enjoy body massage at Herbal Spa

Enjoy body massage at Herbal Spa


3. After your body massage


After your massage, you can expect a sense of deep relaxation and rejuvenation. The therapists at Herbal Spa will provide you with fruits, warm soup, and herbal tea. 


After the massage, you may feel a bit lightheaded; this is a normal reaction to massage and will subside after a few minutes. Following the treatment, Herbal Spa advises you to take time to relax, whether that's reading a book or unwinding in front of the TV. You should also try to go to bed early – you'll wake up feeling completely refreshed and invigorated in the morning.


VI. The process of full-body massage at Herbal Spa


A body massage can take anywhere from 60 to 120 minutes to complete. It covers all parts of the body except for the genital areas and other sensitive regions. If done correctly, this therapeutic approach can provide numerous health benefits such as promoting blood circulation, reducing muscle pain and tension, detoxifying the body, enhancing relaxation and a sense of invigoration, and releasing knots in the back, neck, shoulders, calves, and other areas.


Before the massage, you will be required to provide information regarding your desired massage pressure and any underlying health conditions to assess which type of massage would be most effective and which ones to avoid. Any health concerns should be carefully considered before undergoing any form of massage.  


With the occasional assistance of oils and other tools such as stones, a full-body massage typically follows the following sequence:


1. Head and Neck Massage in Body Massage Steps


To maximize the relaxation effects of the massage, it should always start from the upper part of the body down to the toes.


Gently press your fingers onto the scalp in circular motions, then continue to stroke down the back of the head and neck. Perform circular movements upwards from the base of the skull to the hairline.


Then bring your fingers downward and repeat several times.


Head and neck massage in body massage steps

Head and neck massage in body massage steps


2.  Shoulder and Back Massage: The Second Step of Body Massage Session


After focusing on the head and neck, you should move on to stimulate the shoulders. Gently squeeze the base of the neck and slowly stroke outward towards the shoulder blades. Place your hands on both sides and apply pressure by rolling your hands forward and outward.


Repeat the motion several times while gradually increasing the pressure. Then, start by running your thumb down the spine inwards. Move outward and repeat this a few times.


When working with the spine, begin stimulating the upper back muscles. Ask the person to turn their head to one side and proceed to massage the neck. When done with the first side, gently turn the person's head to the opposite side and perform a similar stimulating motion.


Then move on to the lower back area. Start with light strokes for about five minutes to warm up the area. Then place your hands on the lower back and push upwards towards the heart. Begin with gentle stroking and gradually increase the intensity of the friction. Perform the motion from the tailbone up to the lower back. Place your hands down below by gently gliding along both sides of the body.


Knead the same area with circular motions using the palm and fingers. You can alternate this with feathering strokes, then gradually increase the pressure. Proceed by placing your thumb at the lowest point of the back and splay your fingers outwards. Press down and apply steady pressure as your thumb moves upwards. Splay your fingers gently to each side and repeat the upward motion consistently.


Shoulder and Back Massage

Shoulder and back massage: The eecond step of body massage session


3. Hands and Arms Massage: The Third Step of Body Massage Session


The next part of the sequence involves stimulating the hands and arms. Start by applying pressure to the palm with your thumb. Press into it and move outward in the direction of the hand.


Right after the palm, begin moving up the arm by performing smooth, long strokes from the wrist to the shoulder. Use your fingers and palms to glide over the area. Repeat several times and do the same for the other palm and hand.  


4. Feet and Legs Massage: The Fourth Step of Body Massage Session


Now it's time to move towards the feet. Begin with the soles of the feet by pressing firmly with your thumb into the arch and ball of the foot. Using the same thumb, stroke the top of the foot in a slow rhythmic motion from the toes to the ankle. Repeat this several times.


Perform similar long strokes on the sole. Then, gently rotate the ankle back and forth. Slowly rotate the ankle in each direction a few times.


Next, proceed to gently pull on each toe by placing your fingers on either side of the toe. After stimulating each toe, slide your fingers in between all the toes and gently move them back and forth with firm pressure. After completing this, move on to the other foot and repeat the sequence.


Once these steps are completed, it's time to move on to the foot and calf. Start by firmly massaging from the ankle to the knee and from the knee to the thigh. Use pressure to move upward regularly. Then, move to the shin and start kneading the calf up and down with your thumb. After finishing, move on to the thigh and use the palm to apply pressure - one hand moving inwards, the other hand moving outwards. Those treating residual corn at the feet should be extremely careful when massaging.


Begin with even upward strokes, then repeat on the other leg.


Feet and Legs Massage: The Fourth Step of Body Massage Session

Feet and legs massage: The fourth step of body massage session


5. Completing the body massage


To conclude the massage, perform gentle stimulating movements from the top of the shoulders down to the soles of the feet. Ensure that the pressure decreases gradually over time until the person being massaged feels nothing. Allow them to rest for a few minutes and adapt to the sensation.


This is a typical massage approach, although it may vary depending on the type of massage being performed. It's a great starting point for those looking to learn full-body massage techniques. If you want to delve deeper into the world of massage, this relaxation massage course could be a great help.


VII. 5 Body Massage Techniques


Below are the most popular and effective techniques used in full-body massage therapy. You can also try these techniques with your partner after they've had a tiring day at work. Additionally, you can use these techniques to relax and rejuvenate on difficult, stressful days for a better day ahead.


1. Kneading


Perhaps the easiest technique for beginners, kneading involves using the thumb or palm to apply pressure to various parts of the body. The idea here is to pull muscle away from the bone, a method of exercise that helps reduce muscle tension. The massage technique's name is Petrisage and is primarily used in massage therapy textbooks.


Kneading is one of the first techniques taught to massage therapy students, making it slightly easier to perform than other techniques. However, the speed and intensity of the pressure applied to the skin and muscles are important factors to consider.


If you are massaging someone, one way to determine the necessary pressure and speed is to ask the client for their preferences. If not, you can start by adjusting the pressure and speed based on the client's feedback during the massage.


Remember, as a massage therapist, you must always ensure that the person being massaged does not feel pain or discomfort. Start by using light pressure and a slower speed, then adjust based on the client's feedback.


Keaning technique in body massage

Keaning technique in body massage


2.  Light or Deep Stroking


This method is another commonly used technique in beauty salons, spas, and massage facilities. It involves using your hands to apply gentle pressure to the skin. In this technique, the hand should remain flat while gliding over the body and can be used with oil or lotion for added comfort.


Effleurage is often used at the beginning and end of the massage process to provide the greatest comfort and relaxation for the client. The goal is to help the muscles perform other techniques more easily, at a relatively higher intensity, while promoting blood circulation to various parts of the body.


To incorporate this technique into your massage routine, start by gently stroking and soothing the body while keeping both hands flat. You can use circular motions to gently massage the skin and increase pressure to a certain extent if desired by the client.


When used with slightly more pressure, this technique can be used to eliminate muscle knots and tension from the body. This technique is commonly used in various massage styles, such as Thai massage, Shiatsu massage, and Herbal Signature Body Massage.


Light or deep stroking technique in body massage

Light or deep stroking technique in body massage


3.  Friction


As the name suggests, the friction technique essentially involves using the thumb to move in circular motions, applying pressure as you do so. This method is used to stimulate blood circulation in the body, as well as to treat muscle and joint pain.


When friction the skin with the thumb, you are essentially treating specific localized areas of the body, especially where muscles are stiff or joints are painful. With greater pressure, friction can be incorporated as a technique into deep tissue massage to alleviate stiffness and/or discomfort in deeper layers of muscle tissue.


Friction techniques can involve various types of movements, as long as you are using the thumb. These movements, although similar in many ways, can be considered different techniques depending on how and when they are used by massage therapists worldwide.


Friction technique in foot massage

Friction technique in foot massage


4. Tapping


Light tapping massage is commonly used in body massage therapy as it is one of the best techniques to improve blood circulation in the body. In this massage therapy, the massage therapist uses their hands to quickly touch different parts of the body, especially the back, thighs, and buttocks.


During tapping massage, the hand can be curved so that the edges of the palm and the fingertips touch the skin, or by tapping the skin when the two hands are placed side by side. Depending on what makes the client feel better, you can adjust the technique to use a specific pressing manner.


Another thing to keep in mind when using the tapping technique is to tap rhythmically and swiftly. You can also bend or straighten your hand depending on the client's preference as well as the intensity of pressure you apply.


Sometimes you may want to focus on a particularly stiff and painful area for the client. You may want to combine light tapping with hacking motions, where significant pressure is applied to a smaller area of the body.


Tapping massage

Tapping massage


5. Vibration Or Shaking


Finally, the last of the 5 body massage techniques is vibration or shaking. This technique is somewhat similar to tapping in that it also involves rhythm. Using your hand over a large surface area (such as the back) or your fingers (on the face), you gently shake the muscles at a fairly fast pace to mimic vibrations passing through the mentioned area.


This technique usually does not exert much pressure because its primary purpose is to provide a soothing sensation to the muscles and nerves in the body. Additionally, many therapists recommend this technique for massaging around and even on scar tissue.


Therefore, if you are sensitive to higher levels of pain intensity, using the vibration technique is ideal. Not only is it not uncomfortable, but it also provides a gentle and soothing sensation.


Vibration Or Shaking

Vibration Or Shaking


VIII. How to prepare for a full body massage


To prepare for a full body massage, consider the following steps:


1. Keep Hydrated


Ensure adequate hydration before and after the massage. This will ensure that your muscles remain relaxed and supple, as well as help you feel rejuvenated. Try sipping on some water or herbal tea to further reap the benefits of relaxation." 


2. Avoid Heavy Meals


Try not to eat a heavy meal immediately before your massage, as this can make you feel uncomfortable while lying on your stomach during the treatment. Instead, opt for a light meal or snack a few hours before your appointment.


3. Communication


Before the massage, communicate any specific areas of tension or discomfort with your therapist. This will help them tailor the massage to your individual needs and ensure a more effective and personalized experience.


4. Dress Comfortably


Wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment. You may be provided with a robe and slippers at the spa, so it's important to feel at ease during the entire experience.


5. Arrive Early


Plan to arrive at the spa or massage clinic a little early to complete any necessary paperwork and to have time to relax before your session begins.


6. Relaxation


Take a few moments to relax in the waiting area before your massage. This can help prepare your mind and body for the upcoming treatment.


By following these steps, you can ensure that you are physically and mentally prepared for your full body massage, allowing you to fully enjoy and benefit from the experience.


IX. Full Body Massage Prices at Herbal Spa


The price of body massage in Da Nang at Herbal Spa depends on the type of massage and the duration of the service. Below is the detailed price list for massages at Herbal Spa in 2024.


Body Massage Services

60 minutes

90 minutes

120 minutes

Herbal Signature Massage

550.000 VND

750.000 VND

900.000 VND

Four-hand Massage


1.200.000 VND

1.550.000 VND

Six-hand Massage


2.200.000 VND

2.500.000 VND

Shiatsu Massage

700.000 VND

990.000 VND

1.150.000 VND

Traditional Vietnamese Massage


850.000 VND

1.050.000 VND

Thai Massage

600.000 VND

850.000 VND

1.050.000 VND

Candle Massage

600.000 VND

850.000 VND

1.050.000 VND

Bamboo Massage

600.000 VND

850.000 VND

1.050.000 VND

Aromatherapy Massage


800.000 VND

1.000.000 VND


Booking a foot massage at Herbal Spa Danang



XI. Conclusion


If you're looking to experience a full-body massage for the first time in Da Nang, let Herbal Spa take care of and pamper your body! We provide licensed and reliable massage therapists, ensuring you receive top-notch care - quite literally! Book an appointment today with Herbal Spa to take advantage of the hottest deals available here.



Herbal Spa Da Nang


Hotline: (+84) 0901 825 789

Email: herbalspadn@gmail.com

Zalo: 0901825789

WhatsApp: (+84) 0901 825 789

KakaoTalk: HerbalBoutique

WeChat: Herbal-SPA-Danang

LINE: herbalspa



Herbal Spa Hoi An

Hotline: (+84) 0796813888

Email: hoian.herbalspa@gmail.com

Zalo: 0796 813 888

KakaoTalk ID: herbalspahoian

Line ID: herbalspahoian

Wechat ID : Herbalspa_Hoian

WhatsApp ID: (+84) 0796813888

Address: 139 Phan Chu Trinh, Minh An, Hoi An, Quang Nam 51306

Google map: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=4096267267993388804


Herbal Spa Price Menu



Booking options


♦ Your information will be the fastest response within 24h

♦ You will receive a confirmation email after your ORDER.

♦ Your spa service will be decreased by 30 minutes if you are 10 - 15 minutes without prior notice.





1. Where will the body massage take place?


The massage will take place in a warm, comfortable, and tranquil room. Clients will lie on a massage bed, with a face cradle for inhaling essential oils while lying face down for the massage. The massage room at Herbal Spa will be equipped with all the necessary massage tools, as well as a personal wardrobe for clients.


2. What should I wear during the body massage?


To ensure comfort and facilitate the massage process, Herbal Spa will provide specific attire for you. For body oil massages, women will wear a traditional Vietnamese yếm and shorts, while men will wear the same shorts. For oil-free body massages such as Shiatsu and Thai massage, a wide robe will be provided for added comfort.


3. Which parts of the body will be massaged?


When choosing one of the full-body massage treatments at Herbal Spa, you will receive a comprehensive body massage, including the head, neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms, hands, legs, feet, and toes, while sensitive areas will be avoided.


4. What will the massage feel like during the session?


Generally, a massage should not cause discomfort. The sensation will vary depending on the type of massage performed. For instance, oil-based body massages are suitable for those who enjoy gentle and soothing techniques such as long strokes and light kneading. Alternatively, those who prefer more intense techniques such as stretching and deep pressure can opt for oil-free massages like Thai massage or Shiatsu.


5. How long does a typical body massage session last?


A standard full-body massage usually lasts about an hour. The duration can be extended to 90 to 120 minutes for those seeking an extended relaxation experience.


6. How much is it for a full body massage in Da Nang?


When determining the cost of a body massage in Da Nang for a session, the main factor to consider is the duration of the appointment. Generally, the therapeutic massage fee is primarily based on the appointment duration, meaning the longer your session, the higher the cost. The average price for a massage session varies significantly depending on various factors such as location, type of massage, and any additional services you may choose.


60-Minute Massage

On average, a 60-minute massage session typically ranges from about 450,000 to 600,000 VND (~$18.75 - $25), but prices can vary greatly. Basic therapists offer budget-friendly sessions at around 350,000 VND per hour (~$14.58), whereas experienced specialists at luxury spas may charge upwards of 600,000 VND (~$25). Regardless of the price, each type offers its benefits.


90-Minute Massage

A 90-minute session, providing deep therapeutic benefits and relaxation, costs between 750,000 and 950,000 VND (~$31.25 - $39.58). Prices vary depending on the location, type of massage, and any additional services. Communicating your needs with the therapist ensures you fully benefit from the extended session.



Booking a foot massage at Herbal Spa Danang



Favorite Services


♦ Herbal Spa Signature - Best experience at Herbal Spa

♦ Danang Four Hands Massage - Treat yourself to a truly unforgettable massage experience

♦ Relieve your pain and tension with a Da Nang six-hand massage




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